Mums in tech: Paula's CFGdegree and +Masters experience as a Working Mother
Home » Mums in Tech | Paula’s CFGdegree and +Masters Experience

☁️ 8 months into her Cloud Engineer role at Deloitte, Code First Girls Ambassador Paula Brocki reflects on her experiences studying the CFGdegree and +Masters alongside her full-time teaching job. Paula discusses her inspirations for pursuing a tech career after over a decade in teaching, and her obstacles along the way. We discussed becoming a working mum in tech and how she balances motherhood alongside the demands of the CFGdegree and +Masters. You’ll also find out more about the importance of flexible working and parental leave for working parents, especially for those with children with additional needs.
- Favourite coding language? (if you have one!)
- Python
- What is your choice of beverage for coding
- Peppermint tea
- Desk set up – RGB, Minimal or my aesthetic
- Minimal because it becomes a dumping grown for my children’s toys
- If You had to only use one for life: Laptop or PC?
- Laptop
- Are you most productive in the morning or evening/night?
- Definitely a morning person
- What do you listen to whilst you code and where? Spotify, radio, vinyl or fave CD?
- Spotify – Top Hits of 1996

👋 Hi Paula, thank you for taking part in this article! Please give a brief intro about who you are, your tech experience, what you do professionally, and why you want to become a CFG Ambassador.
I’m Paula, mum, CFG Ambassador, and Cloud Engineer at Deloitte. I am 8 months into my new career after completing the Summer 2023 Software Engineering CFGdegree cohort. I aspired to become a CFG Ambassador as a gesture of gratitude towards the CFG community for providing me with incredible opportunities. As a working parent, the CFGdegree was a lifeline for me. I am keen to inspire other parents like me by showcasing the inclusive and supportive nature of these amazing opportunities available to them.
🏫 On your LinkedIn it says you were Head of Year in Secondary Education for 13 years! Can you please share how you got into tech and what were your influences along the way?
I have had a keen interest in technology from a young age. I vividly recall the excitement of my parents getting the internet for the first time, and how I spent hours teaching myself HTML 4 and building my own website on my dad’s computer. Despite this early passion, I was never encouraged to pursue tech as a viable career path through school or career guidance.
My inspiration to pursue a career in tech came from my work in education, where I saw a growing emphasis on promoting STEM careers for girls and the increasing demand for tech skills in the job market. Seeking a new challenge and a career with impact, I was eager to find a role that would allow me to apply my transferable skills from teaching. A tech career proved to be the perfect fit for my profile and aspirations.
⛰️ Did you encounter any challenges or uncertainties whilst transitioning into a career in tech? How did you overcome them?
The biggest challenge for me as a working parent was juggling all of my already existing responsibilities which included being the best parent I wanted to be, planning for school (which was done at home), and the financial constraints of changing careers. Overcoming these challenges required a combination of careful planning, support from my family and friends, and a willingness to adapt but be kind to myself.
To manage my existing responsibilities, I had to recognise I couldn’t do everything. If I wanted to commit time to changing careers, then I would need help from others. I set aside a small period of time each evening to work on learning a programming language and I leaned on my support network of family, who helped me with childcare and other tasks when needed.
Financial constraints were another obstacle that I had to overcome to make the transition into tech, I took advantage of free online resources and courses like the Code First Girls Coding Kickstarter Classes.
🎓 Congratulations on completing the Summer ‘23 Software Engineering CFGdegree and +Masters in DevOps & Cloud! Could you share what drew you to apply to these specific specialisations?
Software engineering requires a combination of logical thinking, creativity, and attention to detail, which was very appealing to me from a problem-solving aspect.
I was drawn to this course because of the potential for software engineering to have a significant real-world impact and drive positive change. Whether it’s developing banking apps that provide access to financial services for people in poverty or contributing to the FemTech revolution, being part of this field is incredibly exciting.
Additionally, some of the biggest trends in tech are cloud computing and machine learning. These areas of study are at the forefront of innovation and have the potential to revolutionise the way we approach problem-solving. I find them both fascinating and believe they have the potential to make a significant impact on society.
“The in-depth understanding of AWS acquired during the +Masters program even empowered me to confidently pursue and pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam. Furthermore, the CFGdegree’s exposure to various programming languages equipped me with the versatility to tackle new projects that required unexpected language proficiencies. ”
🏡 Could you share your overall experiences studying CFGdegree and +Masters, and how you balanced family responsibilities alongside the demands of the course?
Studying the CFGdegree and +Masters was an incredible experience that challenged me in many ways. The program was demanding but also incredibly rewarding.
Balancing family responsibilities alongside the demands of the course was undoubtedly a significant challenge. I had to rely on my family for support with bedtime routines and meal preparation, as the course often coincided with my children’s bedtime, or dinner time for me and my partner. However, despite my best efforts, there were times when I found myself with a child on my lap whilst joining class or listening to the class on my phone while lying on their bedroom floor. These experiences taught me the importance of being kind to myself and adapting to the circumstances at hand. I learned to let go of unrealistic expectations and make the most of the situation in any way possible.
I was open with my project team about my limitations and availability. We collaborated to split project work and agreed to focus on weekends after 7 pm. While this meant sacrificing other things in my life and dedicating my weekend evenings to homework and projects, this sacrifice was well worth it, considering the career change I was working towards.
One aspect of the CFGdegree that resonates deeply with me is its accessibility for working parents. I am genuinely passionate about the fact that the CFGdegree offers a free opportunity for career switching and upskilling, making it accessible to working parents like myself. Without the CFGdegree, I would not have had the means to upskill and transition into a new career. It is a remarkable initiative that empowers individuals to pursue their aspirations while balancing their family responsibilities.
“Parenting often presents unexpected situations, and accepting these as an inevitable part of the journey allows me to navigate parenting challenges easier.”
☁️ Could you elaborate on how you settled into your role as a Cloud Engineer at Deloitte, following the completion of the CFGdegree?
After completing the CFGdegree, I settled into my role as a Cloud Engineer at Deloitte with excitement and a little apprehension. The comprehensive knowledge gained from the CFG +Masters program proved to be a huge asset, enabling me to seamlessly integrate into projects and onboard quickly. The in-depth understanding of AWS acquired during the +Masters program even empowered me to confidently pursue and pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam. Furthermore, the CFGdegree’s exposure to various programming languages equipped me with the versatility to tackle new projects that required unexpected language proficiencies.
The seamless transition into my role as a Cloud Engineer at Deloitte was a testament to the exceptional training provided by the CFGdegree. Armed with a solid foundation in different programming languages, I was able to adapt quickly to projects, and learn other programming languages whilst building on those I learned during the degree. The CFGdegree’s emphasis on teamwork and project-based assignments ensured that I was well-prepared to be part of a team and tackle the complexities of cloud engineering projects.
💫 Could you share some insights into how you manage work-life balance as a mum working the tech?
One of the reasons I left teaching was to have a better work-life balance and be a more present mum to my children so maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a mother in the tech field is a priority for me.
Setting clear boundaries between work and personal life is crucial, especially when working from home. By choosing a hybrid work arrangement, I have the opportunity to work from the office a few days a week and from home on the remaining days. This allows me to drop off my children at school and return home before my morning stand-up, contributing to a more balanced routine. I rely on the support of my partner and family, who assist with school pick-ups and share household responsibilities.
Prioritising self-care is essential for me. During lunch breaks when working from home, I dedicate time to a long walk or cycle, ensuring I take care of my physical and mental well-being. Additionally, I utilise my evenings to stay updated on tech trends and pursue my personal interests through working on code and listening to podcasts.
I think embracing flexibility and adaptability is key to managing work-life balance as a parent. Parenting often presents unexpected situations, and accepting these as an inevitable part of the journey allows me to navigate parenting challenges easier. It’s important not to place too much pressure on yourself, recognising that it’s perfectly acceptable to prioritise being present for your child’s bedtime story over attending a networking event, or to miss that lunchtime walk in order to take care of tasks like washing school uniforms. Embracing flexibility allows me to navigate challenges and find solutions to maintain a good balance between work and family life.
“These experiences taught me the importance of being kind to myself and adapting to the circumstances at hand. I learned to let go of unrealistic expectations and make the most of the situation in any way possible.”
🫶 What do you think organisations can do to better support working parents in tech?
Implement generous parental leave policies that provide both parents with adequate time off to bond as a new family. Offering paid parental leave alleviates financial stress for parents.
Most importantly – flexible working. This is beneficial to all parents but even more so for parents with children with additional needs. Parents of children with additional needs often have ongoing responsibilities that require regular monitoring, such as attending meetings to ensure their child is receiving the necessary support or making applications for further support. There’s medical appointments, educational reviews, and effort needed to follow up services. Organisations can offer flexible work hours, remote work options, and compressed work weeks to accommodate the needs of working parents.
💡 What advice would you give to other working mothers, parents, or caregivers who would like to transition into tech?
Build your support network, identify your goals, invest in yourself – upgrade your skills through free courses like the Code First Girls Tech Tasters and Coding Kickstarter classes.
Thank you to Paula for sharing her insights on being a working mum in tech, as well as her CFGdegree experience! Click here for more Code First Girls community stories and blogs! 🤩
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