Employee led community engagement @ Vodafone
Code First Girls empowered employees at Vodafone to deliver a global coding programme to over 3,000 girls across 22 markets.
The best employer
For women
Vodafone wish to become the best employer for women by 2025. A key part of Vodafone’s sustainability goals is to empower women, engage employees, give back to local communities and establish their brand as a champion for tech skills.

Year goal
# 1
Employer for women
Empowering employees to
Give back
Code First Girls created a global train the trainer programme, collaborating with Vodafone employees across 22 markets. Code First Girls licensed their curriculum and trained Vodafone employees to deliver their materials in local communities. To date, over 3,000 girls and young women have been trained by Vodafone’s employees on their flagship #codelikeagirl programme.
"This is the best way to enable social mobility, diversity, and inclusion. Education is the key to liberating women."
Global Sourcing Director