cfgdegree amabassador Helena Blackmore

How did you first hear about Code First Girls?

 I first came across CFG courses when I was at University. At the time all the courses were in person and in the evening, so because I have a family, it wasn’t feasible for me to attend. Once the courses were online, I got involved and attended as much as I could.

What motivated you to apply for the CFGdegree?

 I was coming to the end of my PhD not wanting to stay in academia. I was really interested in Data science and data visualisation, so doing the CFGdegree in Data was a no brainer.

The job at the end of the Degree path was also really motivating.


What are you doing in your career now and where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I am currently employed as a data engineer, but I am working on my data science skills. I would like to move into data science and work in Machine learning and AI in the next 5 years.

How did you find managing your work/life balance throughout the duration of the course?

 It was tough. What really helped was a break over the Easter and taking at least one weekend day off from learning.

Which CFGdegree pathway did you apply for, and why?

I am interested in Data science and data visualisation, so doing the CFGdegree in Data was a no brainer. 

What was the most challenging part of the CFGdegree for you personally?

The time commitment. I found that there was so much work to do. I thoroughly enjoyed each homework and assignment, but it all took so much more time than I expected.

Could you give one piece of advice for those looking to apply for the CFGdegree?

Go for it and give it all you have. It’s definitely worth the effort.